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Day In The Life Of... Sooah and Gordon

Meet one of our PawSwap members in Yaletown, Sooah and her dog Gordon!


Gordon is a funny little rescue from Puerto Vallarta! He started at his fur-ever home as a shy 5-month old but learned to be a confident snuggle bug. He loves when other dogs chase him, but he’s not much of a wrestler. He’s an easy-going dude and the biggest sweetheart.

Sooah and Gordon can...

Take care of dogs while people are at work

Take care of dogs on weekends

Take care of dogs in the evenings or overnight

Take care of dogs over holidays or when someone is on vacation

Does your pup need a buddy while you're on vacay? Learn more about a typical day in the life of Gordon...

How do you and Gordon usually start your mornings?

I work a regular 9-5 job, so we usually get up around 6 for coffee in bed with cuddles. Gordon sleeps in the bed with me and loves to fall asleep in a tiny ball, but I wake up to him sprawled and taking up as much space as possible. It’s really his bed that he’s sharing with me! After we go for a walk, he stays at home to nap (lucky boy).

Can Gordon join you at work?

Sadly, not! At my regular job, that is. My weekend job allows him to come to the spin studio and say hello to all of the members.

Pst: PawSwappers, add Sooah as a friend on the PawSwap App so you can earn points by lending a hand while she is at work!

What does an average day look like for you two?

After I get home from work, we head straight to the dog park. He has a ton of energy when we’re out of the house, so off-leash time is important. He loves all dogs but puppies like him best. He’s an ear nibbler and loves to be chased. While he’s not a fan of the water or playing fetch, he loves to make new friends.

What do you two get up to on weekends?

We love to walk around the neighbourhood with a coffee in hand. In the summers, he loves to run along on a hike. Even in the winter, if temperatures permit, he’ll come along for snowshoeing! If we need a day to recharge, we love to snuggle on the couch and have some treats (brownies for me, sweet potatoes for him).

Why do you and Gordon love PawSwap?

PawSwap helps Gord to socialize and make new friends! It’s nice to know other dog families in the neighbourhood who are open to meeting up and getting together.

Do Sooah and Gordon sound like the perfect owner/dog duo to swap with?


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