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Adorable guide dog puppies named Bonnie and Henry in honour of BC's top doctor

In the cutest Dr. Bonnie Henry tribute to date, two adorable dog guide puppies have been named after BC’s provincial health officer.

In recent months we've seen many tributes to BC's top doctor, including songs, cocktails, footwear, jewellery and even sushi rolls named after Dr. Henry, but this latest tribute might just be the cutest one yet.

Earlier this week, BC & Alberta Guide Dogs introduced Bonnie and Henry - two of its 10 adorable newborn Labrador puppies, announcing that these future guide dogs had been named in honour of British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry.

“Dr. Henry has been a wonderful presence of calm and guidance through the COVID-19 pandemic, and our organization felt that it was a fitting tribute to name these little puppies after her, as they will one day grow up to provide those same qualities of guidance and support to someone in need,” said Bill Thornton, CEO of BC & Alberta Guide Dogs.

Despite being busy guiding the province through the ongoing pandemic, Dr. Henry took the time to comment on what it means to have such cute little namesakes.

“Thank you for the incredible work that BC Guide Dogs does, supporting so many people in British Columbia. It is an honour to have two such adorable namesakes. I would like to extend my warmest wishes for the continued success of your organization during what has been a difficult time for all of us. Taking a moment to appreciate the joy of two little puppies is so welcome,” stated Dr. Henry, B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer in a news release.

Bonnie and Henry, along with their 8 siblings will soon begin training to become Guide Dogs for those who are blind or visually-impaired, Autism Service Dogs for children with profound autism, and PTSD Service Dogs for Veterans and First Responders living with Operational Stress Injuries.

Penny with her little of puppies, including Bonnie and Henry

Registration is now open for BC & Alberta Guide Dogs’ newest fundraising event – the Woof-a-Thon Virtual Challenge. Participants are invited to choose an activity to complete during the week of October 4th – 10th and collect pledges to raise funds for the breeding, raising and training of Guide Dogs, Autism Service Dogs and PTSD Service Dogs.

The overall goal is to raise $70,000 to go towards providing Guide Dogs, Autism Service Dogs and PTSD Service Dogs to those in need.

The top fundraisers from each group (Under 10, ages 11 – 24, ages 25+, Team) will be invited to name a puppy from a future litter. To register, or for more information, click here.


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