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Easily search and find dog-friendly locations near you
The newly redesigned GoDoggo map is easy to navigate. Zoom in to the map to reveal more location beacons
View photos, reviews, dog-friendly details and more!
Tap on the beacons to see the dog-friendly details
Dog-friendly Details
See if a business has a patio or safe tie-up spot beside your table, whether your dog is allowed to join you inside, if they can be off leash, and if they offer water bowls or a special treat!
Dog Specific Reviews
Busy sidewalk? Heated patio? See what fellow dog owners have to say about a business with reviews like none other - focused entirely on the experiences of owners and their pups.
Know of any dog-friendly locations that aren't listed on the app? Just tap the button on the map screen and enter the location details. Our team will review your submission and publish it to the app if it is approved.
Easily add new dog-friendly locations
Events & Activities
Search & find dog-friendly events near you and browse dog-friendly events in other cities
Add your own dog friendly events by tapping the button on the main events screen
Home Feed
Stay updated on the latest at GoDoggo with the home feed feature.
Discover new places easily by seeing all of the newest additions to the GoDoggo app, all in one place:
new events
new locations
new reviews
At GoDoggo, we believe in making our app accessible to all dog lovers. That's why our app is free forever.
But for those who share our passion, we invite you to join the GoDoggo Club and support our mission of creating a more dog-friendly world. By becoming a GoDoggo Club Member, you take a step towards transforming the way we experience the world with our furry companions.
Join our vibrant community of dog enthusiasts and gain access to exclusive perks, special offers, and features. Plus, your membership directly contributes to our ongoing efforts in advocating for more dog-friendly establishments, dog-friendly business window stickers, and promoting responsible pet ownership. Together, we can make a real difference.
Embrace the opportunity to be a part of something bigger. Join the GoDoggo Club today and let's create a more dog-friendly world.