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6 New Year’s Resolutions you can make for you and your dog in 2020

It’s that time again when we make our resolutions for the New Year.

Let’s be honest, most of us struggle to keep them past January. But maybe that's because they aren't changes we look forward to making!

So, we put together a list of 6 New Year’s Resolutions with a difference – they aren’t just about you.

These resolutions are all about making your dog happier in 2020, so they should be much easier to stick to! 

Make 2020 a year you and your dog won’t forget with these 6 resolutions you’ll actually enjoy making...

#1 Go on more adventures together

This is a really easy one for Vancouverites. Whether it’s a local hike you haven’t done before that you know your dog will love or a camping trip with your four-legged bestie, make 2020 the year you do all the fun things with your pup that you’ve always wanted to.

Whether you decide to go backpacking in the forest, hike the mountain trails or just go for a walk somewhere new, it’s all an adventure for your dog so there’s no excuses!

Also, if your own New Year’s Resolution is to get more exercise, this is a great way to make it happen.

#2 Make a Doggie Play-Date

Dogs love socializing so make plans with dog-owning friends or co-workers to get together for a doggie play-date – your pup will love you for it!

A great first step is finding a local dog park – again, very easy for Vancouver dog owners.

And if you want to meet more people who love dogs as much as you do, make sure to come along to our PawSwap Meet Ups throughout the year. It’s a perfect way for both you and your pup to make new friends.

#3 Take that training class

Even if you don't have a puppy, you definitely can teach an old dog new tricks, so take that training class you’ve been talking about for years!

Dogs love learning new skills as much as humans do, so if you’ve been avoiding it, finally book that class.

#4 Have a weekly cleaning day for your dog’s stuff

We wash our own clothes regularly but how often do we wash our dog’s things? This year, set aside one day a week that you clean blankets, towels, beds, toys, etc.

Also check for any broken or completely chewed up toys and throw them away to make space for new ones.

Your dog will thank you for it!


#5 Find local dog events to attend with your pup

We hate having to leave our dogs behind while we go out, so find more local events this year that you can enjoy together, like Poses & Pups, or the Pet Lover Show.

PS: Make sure to keep an eye out for more details on our upcoming Canine Coffee Crawl happening in Kitsilano in March and our B.Y.O.D. event coming to Yaletown in June as well.

#6 Take a picture a day of your dog

Okay, this one is just for you. But it’s one any dog owner will find easy to keep!

It’s such a cute idea, especially if you’ve just got a new little puppy. They grow so fast so this is a great way to treasure all the important moments so you’ll never forget how small they were. 

But even if your dog is older, you can capture all the fun things you did with your pup and the many, many cute things they did, then look back at them this time next year!

(Top Tip – Use these pictures to make a 2021 Calendar. Best. Calendar. Ever.)

We hope this list helps give you dog owners some ideas to make 2020 the best year yet for you and your pup and we look forward to meeting even more of you at our events next year.



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